Who are we

Septic Tank Experts are a team of industry accredited engineers specialising in domestic and commercial wastewater and septic systems. With over 25 years of industry experience we have became a trusted name in the septic and wastewater industry with a reputation for diagnosing and solving the problems no-one else can.
Operating throughout Ireland North and south we cover a wide area offering a range of services from general maintenance and repairs to large scale installations and renovations of existing systems. Our teams work extensively with insurers to complete on site reporting and repairs when the worst happens.


Assessment and review of existing waste water and septic systems. Our engineers are specialists in fault finding and diagnosis and work regularly with insurers and industry bodies to deliver trusted results.


Manufacturer approved installation to the highest industry standards - our team are trusted by the biggest brands in the industry to install and maintain systems.


Septic tank Experts are industry approved and accredited and are fully insured for all of the applications we work within. You can have full faith in our company and our team to deliver on site to the highest possible standards.


Septic Tank Experts industry leading aftercare packages and maintenance programmes ensure the gold standards are adhered to for your waste water treatment system to ensure maximum efficiency and longevity.
Unaffiliated to any brand but carrying out works on all brands
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